Liebster Award

I would like to thank MissMapleRevelations for nominating me for the Liebster Award. You guys should go check out her blog! I am really thankful for this nomination and I love these kinds of posts. 🙂

These are my answers to MissMapleRevelations questions:

1.Why do you blog?

Blogging allows me to creatively express my love for baking (and food!) and to connect with amazing people who love baking just as much as I do

2.What makes you cry?

A lot of things :p

3.If someone offered you enough money to let you family live in riches without worries forever, but you could never speak to them again, would you take it?



Family is worth more than money for me 🙂

5.What’s your favorite dish?

Any type of Pasta 🙂

6.Who is your Idol?

I know its more than one idol, but definitely my parents 🙂

7.Which movie will you never ever watch again?

I don’t know, I love movies… I could watch any movie again :p

8.Which ending of which book gave you goosebumps?

Im that type of person that reads the ending of the book before I have reached there :p 

9.Would you rather be blind or numb?

Can I choose none of the above? :p

10.Which historical person would you invite over for dinner?

To be honest I have no idea :p

11.Dogs or cats?

Dogs 🙂

On some sites I read that you select bloggers with less than 200 followers and I read somewhere else that you select bloggers with 3000 or less followers. So, I selected bloggers within that range 🙂

My Nominees are: (in no particular order)

  1. Project Pastry
  2. WhatJessicaBakedNext
  3. Happy and Harried
  4. HelloScarlettBlog
  5. TheMauritianGeographer
  6. FloralFoods
  7. KitchenKonfidential

My Questions for Nominees:

  1. Tea or Coffee?
  2. What is your favourite movie?
  3. If you could eat one thing for the rest of your life what would it be?
  4. What is your favourite hobby?
  5. What is your favourite cake?
  6. Doughnuts or Cupcakes?
  7. What is your favourite colour?
  8. Brownies or Chocolate Cake?
  9. What do you like about blogging?
  10. If you could have one superpower what would it be? Why?

Hope you enjoyed this post 🙂

– The Cake Architect

P.s If you would like check out my first Liebster Award post click here

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